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Ravel's Spiritual Path

Born Christina Cole Jacobsen, Ravel Fey began walking her Spiritual Path at the age of 15 when she discovered her abilitiy to create energetic protections for family members. She continued to explore her abilities as she delved into the world of energy work through books, private teachings and the occassional life experience. She realized she was embarking on her life's work when other-life memories and information began to cross over into this reality.  As these memories became more relevant and more clear, she realized that she was in communication with other-worldly and other-dimensional beings of all types. She discovered that it was imperative for her to embrace this work as a means of self-protection which has evolved and expanded into doing work for family, friends, aquaintances and associates. She is now embarking on a journey to use her abilities for all those in need of information, help and healing.

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