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The Hedge! A Real Story of Ravel Fey!

After I started this blog I was asked to write about some of my real life experiences with the paranormal. I sat and thought about that request for a bit. I knew that I had a lot of different experiences, but which ones could I share? I finally came to the conclusion that the experiences I share here would be story worthy and would not include clients, unless the clients gave their approval. So the first story I’m going to share is one from my high school days. I will change the names of the people involved for privacy purposes. With that said let’s delve into one of my more interesting high school experiences!

In high school I had a rather large group of friends. We would do all sorts of things together. Sometimes it would be with the whole group, and sometimes with a fraction of the group. On this particular night we had a small group gathered at a park in South Jordan Utah. The park itself wasn’t very big, and had no playground equipment. It did have a small ravine with a hedge on one side. The hedge was next to the sidewalk, and we could see little paths inside the hedge. It was quite obvious that many people had been walking inside the hedge to create those paths. Our little group was sitting opposite the hedge facing the ravine, and just pondering things that most high school kids ponder.

As we continued to chit chat about our complex lives one of the group members started to act strangely. For this story her name will be Ashley. To give perspective other things had happened with Ashley, so when she started acting odd I wasn’t very surprised. I do remember a strange feeling before she started though, and that is why I paid closer attention to what was going on. Ashley fell back against the grass facing the stars. She proceeded to make strange hand movements and wasn’t speaking properly. I watched for a while as she repeated her pattern of hand movements and speech.

One of my other friends was able to deduce that she was grouping the stars into bunches. When Ashley nodded we figured that she understood what we were saying, but couldn’t or wasn’t saying anything back. As my friends were either trying to figure out what the bunching meant, or systematically having a meltdown, I kept getting a very negative feeling. It was definitely a gut wrenching feeling. It seemed to me that something or someone was trying to tell us something. As that realization hit me one of my friends figured out that Ashley was grouping the stars into four groups with 20 stars in each group. I immediately recognized the symbolism of those numbers as related to drugs and decided we should pack up and go!

While everyone was grabbing their things I tried to follow the energy and was blocked from crossing the ravine into the hedge. I took note of that and took up the rear, just to make sure no nasty surprises happened. I stopped for a brief moment and looked back to where we had been sitting. At that instant something grabbed one of my necklaces and yanked hard enough to make me fall to the ground. That solidified the fact we needed to leave, and scared the crap out of my friends.

After that night I couldn’t forget about what had happened, and my naturally curious personality wanted to know what was in that hedge. I got an even smaller group together to go investigate the hedge properly. We went in the day, and made sure someone knew where we were going just in case. As we investigated the paths inside the hedge we ran into a spot that had places to sit, and a small fire pit. Around the area there were piles of stones, four stones in 20 piles, and drug paraphernalia all over the place. It became apparent that whatever was trying to talk to us the previous night was trying to warn us about the druggies in the area. I’m not sure who we would have run into if we stayed, but it most likely would not have been friendly characters.

When the moment was happening it was a bit scary. After revisiting this story I feel relieved that someone or something out there was watching us closely. If they hadn’t we most likely would have run into trouble, or gotten hurt.

When the strange happens just remember that it’s not all “out to get you”, a lot of the time it’s trying to get your attention! Stop, feel and listen to the things around you. You will be amazed at what you’ll find!

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