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What is God?

Hello All! I do apologize for the long wait for this post. As we all have experienced, The Universe decided that I had other things that I needed to do. Since the discussion started out with The Universe I have decided to do a post about how I have experienced The Universe and the Gods/Goddesses that correspond with The Universe.

As I have worked I have come to realize that there is a driving force, which I call The Universe. Now, this entity is sentient, but it is not God as we know it. What we perceive as a God or Goddess is an aspect of this entity. This realization needed a bit of explaining after I discovered it. So, I sat down and had a very long chat with The Universe. I was astounded with what I was told.

The Universe said, “Every being that is associated with being a God or Goddess is me exhibiting a different aspect of myself. These aspects are alive and act on their own accord, but they are all me in some way.” I nearly blew soda out of my nose at that statement! It made me realize that we are all connected closer than people would like us to believe.

If you think about it, all of the different aspects really started when we, as humans, needed an explanation for things. If you look into our history of different traditions you start to see that pattern. If you think about it we asked and The Universe answered in different ways depending on who was asking. The different aspects are everywhere today, and now we have an idea of exactly where they came from!

Never forget that you are loved, and that it doesn’t matter which aspect you worship. You inevitably are still worshipping the same entity called The Universe!

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